

I have bought the Steam Indie Sale 10-pack(no longer in effect) last weekend, which gives me a good excuse to go over some of these games. I'm currently playing Gish and World of Goo, after being turned off by Mr. Robot.
So hopefully, after some preliminary writing, I will be able to give my impressions on some of these games.
I think a Gish/World of Goo/Crayon Physics Deluxe triple review could be good as well, as each of them is a physics based puzzle game, but I'm not sure yet.
I feel I need to play the entire game to be able to review it, so I don't know how long it will take for me to come up with a review.

It's been a while since I posted, but I just thought what the hell and am now going to use this page as an outlet for more of my thoughts in the future.

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